Marolyn Elizabeth Lucy Gentles (Lucy Lewis), Photographer


About PhotoTings

PhotoTings is a small home based photography service creating photo art images for printing on “Tings”. The business is run by Marolyn Lucy Gentles and Claudette Ann Lewis. Lucy is the photographer/designer and Ann is responsible for production. Peter-John Gentles is our consulting cyber specialist. PJ brings his knowledge as a systems engineer to the table in development, logistics and finance.

NOTE: We offer social distancing photography using aerial drone and remote photography. This service is only offered on limited request after consultation.

The Photographer – MAROLYN Lucy GENTLES

I see the world through several lenses; those of my natural eyes - those of my thoughts - and those of my camera. The colors of life bring smiles to my heart one click at a time. From sunrise to sunset the hues of yellows, reds and blues illuminate the vast sky. The wild outdoors has the most beautiful pictures of the universe. There are tiny cocoons, huge polar bear habitats, and then there are the beautiful human faces. I track down images everywhere - from the small footbridge in the islands of the sea to the majestic pillars of Golden Gate Bridge.

To me, the world is a photograph that is broken into a trillion pixels.

As a photo artist, I use photography to create things both real and imagined. Sometimes as I work on an image, a new vision emerges, one that changes the whole perspective from that at the time of capture.

My dream is to see my photos in every country on many things. There are so many things that I could put them on… And there it was – ‘things’. I grew up in Jamaica where things were referred to as ‘tings’. I take photos of every ‘ting’ and I put them on any ‘ting’. After all, every thing is every ting.

Contact Us: 

The site is set up to sell prints and promote some services. For wholesale purchase of gift products like masks and coasters please email

If you see a photo you like and want it in a specific format email

Lucy is also available for custom and commissioned work.

We can also be reached via WhatsApp +1 (678) 852-2054

Follow us on Instagram @photo_tings, or Lucy at @throughlucyzeyes Face Book Photo Tings and Twitter @phototings